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* يمكنكم الاستفادة من الموقع التالي للاستزادة من اللغة الانجليزية http://rafahenglishclub.mam9.com/forum.htm
* زورونا على المدونة الالكترونية  http://tahahusseinrafah.blogspot.com/2009/05/blog-post_09.html
تتقدم ادارة مدرسة طه حسين الأساسية بالتهنئة والتبريك لأبنائنا الأعزاء بمناسبة بدء العام الدراسي الجديد 2011 - 2012 م

    استخدامات الأفعال الناقصة

    ادارة المدرسة
    ادارة المدرسة

    المساهمات : 179
    تاريخ التسجيل : 07/09/2009

    استخدامات الأفعال الناقصة Empty استخدامات الأفعال الناقصة

    مُساهمة من طرف ادارة المدرسة الخميس أغسطس 19, 2010 12:39 pm

    استخدامات الأفعال الناقصة

    The use of modal verbs :

    a- ability = be able to = capable to

    He can speak English , but he can't write it.

    b- permission : can I smoke in here

    c- possibility theoretical or factual

    e.g. theoretical : anybody can make mistake

    e.g. factuality : the road can be blocked

    could :

    past ability : I never could play the banjo

    2- present or future permission : could I smoke in here

    3- present possibility ( theoretical or factual )

    a- we could go to the concert

    b- the road could be blocked

    4- contingent possibility or ability in unreal conditionals sentences :

    if we had money , we could buy a car

    may \ might

    1- permission you may borrow my car if you like = you are allowed

    the negation of this sentence is : you mustn’t , you are not allowed to , you may not borrow my car

    2- possibility ( usually factual )

    the road may be blocked

    might :

    1- permission : might I smoke in here.

    2- possibility – theoretical or factual

    e.g. we might go to the concert ( theoretical )

    what you say might be true ( factual )

    shall :

    1- willingness on the part of the speaker in 2nd and 3rd person ( restricted use )

    e.g. he shall get his money , you shall do exactly as you wish

    2- intention on the part of the speaker ( 1 st ) person

    e.g. I shan't be long , we shall be back after one hour

    3- insistence on the part of the speaker in the first person

    e.g. you shall do what I say

    4- legal and quasi legal : he shall be punished

    the vendor shall maintain the equipment in good repair

    should :

    1- obligation and logical necessity : you should do as he say \ they should be home by now

    2- putative use after certain expression : it is odd that you should say this to me

    I am sorry that should have happened

    3- contingent use in the first person only ( we + I )

    in the main clause = would

    e.g. we should \ would love to go abroad if we had the chance

    4- in rather formal real condition

    e.g. if you should change your mind , please let us know

    will :

    1- willingness in polite request

    e.g. he will help you , if you ask him \ will you have another cup of tea?

    2-intention ( usually contacted to 'll , mainly in the first person )

    I 'll write as soon as I can \ we won' t stay longer more than 2 hours

    3- insistence ( no contraction )

    e.g. he will do it whatever you say

    4- predication

    a- specific predication : the game will \ must \ should be finished by now

    b- timeless predication : oil will float \ floats on water

    c- habitual predication : he will ( always ) talk for hours if you give him the chance

    would :

    1- willingness : would you excuse me ?

    2- insistence : it is your own fault , you would take the baby with you

    3- characteristic activity in the past ( used to )

    e.g. he would go for along walk every day

    4- contingent use in the main clause : he would smoke too much if you didn’t stop him.

    5- probability : that would be his mother

    must :

    1- obligation : you must be back by 10 o'clock .

    and to negation this sentence we do the following :

    you need not to \ you don’t have to \ you are not obliged to \ …. Be back by 10 o'clock.

    For past we say : yesterday you had to be back by 10 o'clock .

    But for reported speech both ( had to and must ) are possible

    2-logical necessity : there must be a mistake

    negative : there can't be a mistake.

    3- superficially interrogative but answer assuming sentence

    e.g. mustn't there be another reason for his behavior?

    Ought to : obligation – logical necessity : you ought to start at once

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 26, 2024 3:47 pm